When I was a senior in high school, I stayed up till 4am on a school night just to finish my college entry essay to meet the deadline.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
10pm rolled around and I just stared at my blank computer screen. Instead of panic, I had this calm feeling wash over me.
I just knew it would be alright. I just knew it would come. At the right time.
Little did I know that would be a standing theme in my life: patience.
You see, I wanted to stand out. I wanted to be different. I wanted to be creative.
No matter what they said…I wanted to take a chance.
It worked.
I’m STILL SO proud of that piece of writing. And I plan to share it one day soon.
I’ve had that same gut feeling many times since. You know that feeling? You have NO idea where it’s going or how it’s going to be, but you just go with it anyway?
Simply put, I believed in myself.
I have to say that’s been a bit foreign to me throughout my adult years – until recently.
I decided to start trusting my intuition this year.
That 17 year old who trusted in herself without a shadow of a doubt resurfaced earlier this year. And since then, I’ve chosen her over the nagging fears and doubts that can creep so easily into my head.
A little over 8 years ago, I had to learn to drive. Again.
Born and raised in New York City, I never had the need for a car. And while I learned how to drive in the craziest.driving.city.ever. when I was 16, I totally forgot everything and anything about it when I moved to the other craziest.driving.city.ever: Los Angeles.
For me – learning again was one of the scariest things I’ve had to do in my whole life. Which is really funny because I drive every single day now, love it, and it’s like second nature to me.
I NEVER thought I would get over that fear.
But I did.
I stopped thinking and playing out all the scenarios of what could happened, and I just did it.
I focused. I had faith, and I took the leap.
In some way, shape, or form – I just decided to believe in myself.
All this is to say – thinking can be overrated.
And so I’ve decided to stop thinking so much once again, and just.start.doing.
A friend of mine recently shared something with me that really hit home: “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Do you know how many things I’ve sabotaged because I thought they had to be perfect?!? That I had to be perfect?!?!
So, I’m choosing good over perfect. And doing over thinking.
*This* is my next adventure.
Ironically, I purchased the domain www.LindsayShack.com 7 years and 8 months ago TODAY. I didn’t plan this and that’s why I love the synchronicities of life so much!
This website and blog has been my hope, my dream, and my intuition calling me to share, open up, and be seen for many, many years. It’s time to start trusting that and move forward. Despite what anyone thinks.
Welcome to my space of inspiration, intuition, doing, and believing in yourself.
It’s going to be a “good” ride.
photo credit: SweetOnVeg via photo pin cc